i got tagged by the lovely peachy peach. so here's seven random facts about yours truly. plus a bonus fact that i realized i should include, as i was getting ready to upload this.
1. i'm a strict toilet paper over the roll kinda person. you know what
i mean, right? when you pull the tp, it should unravel over the top,
rather than coming from underneath. never underneath.
on the rare occasion that someone else changes the tp in my house
(grin), i will reset it if it's not unrolling from the top. this
probably sounds crazy, and that is perfectly ok.
2. i've had around 20 cats as pets throughout my life. in no particular
order, some of their names were: rosie, nesca, seymour, tabasco, chloe, kitty
grey, jake, ruby, simon, chica, pokey, blue, and lucy + lola, our current furballs. i've only had three dogs: ginger, a red pomeranian who i just adored
and whose hair was the exact same color as mine, juniper, who is
still with us today but has gone for her retirement at my mom's house,
which is a bit more of a country setting with another dog companion.
she's happy there, but we miss having her around on the daily. and oliver, a wild and crazy little guy who had too much energy for his own good. rip, ollie. we miss you, bud.
3. i'm a serious late bloomer with stuff. movies, music, stuff. like,
matt's boss loaned us the freaks + geeks box set and it hung around our
house for months- i didn't know anything about it, and in not knowing
how amazingly cute/funny it is, it just sat there with the rest of the
dvds. had i known, i would have watched it about 20 times over my now.
another example? i only just created a facebook page (let's be friends!). i confess, i knew about facebook, i just didn't really think i
needed another place on the web to waste my time hang out and stuff. i've had a myspace
page a couple times, but i'm notorious for deleting it. let's get real:
myspace is creepers. it never really felt right. and now, between
running the shop +blog, and having a love affair with flickr, and
reading a daily blogroll (that honestly, could use some serious
tidying), my internet dance card is pretty full. but WOW. after some
coaxing from my bff from hs, i jumped in the waters. and it's kinda
funny how many blasts from the past i've already encountered. actually,
now that i think about it- being on facebook is making me feel old. oh
4. i enjoy doing laundry. i really do. my favorite to wash is the
whites. i love to fold everything all perfect, like they do at the drop
off laundry mat. i LOVE the smell of clean white tshirts and sheets.
5. and while i'm on the subject of laundry, i've been married 8 years
this week and i still have not managed to successfully train my husband
to not turn his socks inside out when he takes them off. and to not
leave them on the floor on his side of the bed. at this point, it's a
random fact about him that i've grown to love. i expect to be 60 and
still picking up his little balled up socks from the floor. what'cha
gonna do. smile and love, that's what.
6. i'm pretty impatient when it comes to making things. like, when
measuring and preparing is involved, i don't really take to that too
well. i'm all about jumping in. which usually means that i kind of
screw up the project. this same thing happens with cooking, but
fortunately, i'm a much better cook. i prefer to just go with the flow,
rather than keep my nose in the book, you know? a little pinch here, a
taste there, more of this less of that kinda thing.
7. i can't stand cords. some of you might already know this about me,
strangely enough- i've probably written about it before. i dream of the
day when toaster ovens and tvs and lamps are wireless.
i just cringe at the look of a mess of cords behind and entertainment center. makes. me. crazy.
i kind of refuse to learn basic html. i know that i should just go ahead and learn it already, but why should i when i always have matt around to ask and when he's not here, i've figured out how to quickly grab some old tags from some other post and just cut and paste the crazy stuff. nuts, right?
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